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Sara Harrod

Wildlife Biologist and Bird Nerd Extraordinaire

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Banding an Eastern Bluebird chick in San Marcos, TX. Photo courtesy of Sara Harrod.

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About Me

I am the Acting Lead Natural Resources Specialist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at John Martin Reservoir in southeast Colorado. I lead the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) and Interior Least Tern (Sterna antillarum athalassos) Monitoring Program while serving as the Project's Public Outreach Coordinator and the Albuquerque District's Water Safety Vice-chairperson. Before that, I earned my PhD at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, Arkansas. My primary research involved studying the effects of spatio-temporal climatic variability on Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) populations. I also had 2 side projects involving nesting synchrony in native cavity-nesting birds and determining which factors were associated with freshmen college student's knowledge of and views towards climate change. 


When I decided to become a wildlife biologist, I originally wanted to work with large carnivores. However, after working at a Wild Birds Unlimited® store and taking an Ornithology class during my undergrad, I realized that songbirds were my true passion (as a bonus, I don't have to worry about them causing serious bodily injury).


I'm originally from San Antonio, Texas, and have spent most of my life in the southern US. I plan to use the things I've learned to teach students and educate others about wildlife and conservation issues. I'd also like to travel the world, explore new cultures, and of course, get in some birdwatching.

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