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​​In Preparation

Harrod S.E., Grindstaff J., Siefferman L., and V. Rolland. Demographic Projections for a Widespread North American Passerine in Contrasting Climatic Regions.



​Harrod S.E. and V. Rolland. Using Citizen Science to Determine if Songbird Nesting Parameters Fluctuate in Synchrony. PLoS One 17:e0277656.



Rolland V., Schratz S.A., Istvanko D.R., and S.E. Harrod. Evening Bats (Nycticeius humeralis) Use Bird Nest Boxes as Day Roosts in Northeastern Arkansas. American Midland Naturalist 187:84-85.


Harrod S.E., DeBellis C., Trusty A., and V. Rolland. Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) Rear Four Broods to Apparent Fledging in Northeastern Arkansas. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133:358-364.


Harrod S.E. and V. Rolland. Factors Associated with Attitudes and Knowledge of First-Semester College Students toward Climate Change. BioScience 71:415-425.



Harrod S.E. and V. Rolland. Demographic Responses of Eastern Bluebirds to Climatic Variability in Northeastern Arkansas. Population Ecology 62:317-331.


Moseley S.C., Harrod S.E., and V. Rolland. Tufted Titmice (Baeolophus bicolor) Rear a Mixed Brood to Apparent Fledging in Northeastern Arkansas. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132:197-202.



Harrod S. Preliminary Results from a Large-Scale, Long-term Bluebird Study. Bluebird 41:22-23.



Harrod S.E. and M. C. Green. Effects of Class-level Vegetation Characteristics on Nesting Success of Bewick’s Wrens. Southeastern Naturalist  17:381-395.



Harrod S. Potential Nest-Site Competition between Bewick’s Wrens and other Secondary Cavity-Nesting Birds. Bluebird 37:16-18.


Presenters are underlined.



Harrod S.E. Shorebirds on the Edge: Piping Plovers and Interior Least Terns at John Martin Reservoir. Weminuche Audubon Society (virtual). March 16, 2022.


Harrod S.E. Shorebirds on the Edge: Piping Plovers and Interior Least Terns at John Martin Reservoir. Aiken Audubon Society (virtual). January 19, 2022.


Harrod S.E. Shorebirds on the Edge: Piping Plovers and Interior Least Terns at John Martin Reservoir. Arkansas Valley Audubon Society (virtual). August 12, 2021.


Harrod S.E and V. Rolland. Contrasting Demographic Responses of Eastern Bluebird Populations to Climatic Variability. American Ornithological Society. Anchorage, AK. June 24-28, 2019.


Harrod S.E. Overview of Dissertation Research. Introduction to Environmental Problems course at University of New Mexico (Virtual). October 1, 2018.


Harrod S.E. and V. Rolland. Demographic Responses of Eastern Bluebirds to Temporal Climate Variability. Arkansas Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Little Rock, AR. March 1-2, 2018.


Harrod S.E. and V. Rolland. Demographic Responses of Eastern Bluebirds to Spatio-Temporal Climate Variability. Appalachian State University Biology Seminar Series. Boone, NC. February 21, 2018.


Harrod S.E. and V. Rolland. Demographic Responses of Eastern Bluebirds to Spatio-Temporal Climate Variability. Create@State. Jonesboro, AR. April 20-21, 2017.


Harrod S.E. and V. Rolland. Demographic Responses of Eastern Bluebirds to Spatio-Temporal Climate Variability. Radford University Biology Seminar Series. Radford, VA. March 15, 2017.


Harrod S.E. and V. Rolland. Demographic Responses of Eastern Bluebirds to Spatio-Temporal Climate Variability. Oklahoma State University Biology Seminar Series. Stillwater, OK. February 23, 2017.


Harrod S.E. and M.C. Green. The Effects of Landscape Characteristics on the Nesting Ecology of Cavity-Nesting Birds. Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Corpus Christi, TX. February 19-21, 2015.


Harrod S.E. and M.C. Green. The Effects of Landscape Characteristics on the Nesting Ecology of Cavity-Nesting Birds. Texas Bluebird Society. Bastrop, TX. March 1, 2014.



Harrod S.E. and V. Rolland. Factors Affecting Knowledge and Beliefs of College Freshmen toward Climate Change. National Council for Science and the Environment. Washington, DC. January 7-10, 2019.


Harrod S.E. and V. Rolland. Factors Affecting Knowledge and Beliefs of College Freshmen toward Climate Change. American Ornithological Society. Tucson, AZ. April 10-15, 2018.


Harrod S.E. and M.C. Green. The Effects of Landscape Characteristics on the Nesting Ecology of Cavity-Nesting Birds. International Research Conference for Graduate Students. San Marcos, TX. November 5-6, 2014.


Harrod S.E. and M.C. Green. The Effects of Landscape Characteristics on the Nesting Ecology of Cavity-Nesting Birds. American Ornithological Society. Estes Park, CO. September 23-27, 2014.

Publications: CV

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